Step #7 Go Live & Handle Your Follow Up Tasks
The day will arrive when it’s time to go live with your launch. With almost all platforms, you will have the ability to create a test sale to make sure that the process will go smoothly ahead of time.
If everything is in working order, you want to be awake and at your desk ready to watch the launch process unfold and handle any technical issues that may arise. If anything does happen, don’t panic.
Figure out what has gone wrong and get the help that you need in order to correct it as soon as possible. If it is down for a long period of time, you will want to contact your affiliates and tell them to hold off on their promotions until it is remedied.
Watch for any customer service issues that arise, such as people being unable to access their download files, so that you can assist them immediately. This is not only to show your customers that you are professional, but also to ensure your affiliates don’t run into any customer issues when their subscriber complains to them that they cannot access your product.
Many vendors use the time later that day as well as on follow up days to motivate and inspire their affiliates to continue pushing their product. This is especially fun if you have a contest going on you can announce those who are in the top positions.
If you are running a contest, you will want to give an update once a day to your affiliate email list as well as on your social networking sites about who is winning the contest. Always offer to help your affiliates if they need any questions answered or any additional assistance.
One thing you don’t want to do is publicly announce any preference for one affiliate over another, especially if you have a contest going. This gives an unfair advantage to one individual and will cause others to not want to promote you in the future.
When the launch dies down, make sure that you bump the price of the product up if you have promised that the launch pricing will disappear. Your job doesn’t end there. Many of your buyers will not even attempt to access the product until weeks or even months later.
You will need to be on hand and available to assist them with any complications in the download or usage process in the future. Once your launch has completed, reach out to your affiliates and let them know what is next on your schedule so that they can get prepared ahead of time.
Even if you don’t have an official joint venture page prepared yet, you can give them an idea of the type of product you are creating so that they can begin brainstorming a bonus for their list.