Step #6 Get Affiliates Informed & Ready to Promote
By this stage in the game, you will be very proud of the progress you have made toward your launch. Now, it is time to inform those who can set you up for success – your affiliates.
Even if you are an unknown marketer, you can bring many affiliates onboard simply by having a solid product with the right price point and commission. Marketers aren’t picky about longevity.
What they care about is whether or not their customers will be pleased with the product they recommend to them. If they fail to recommend quality products, it reflects poorly on them.
Start by creating a listing on Muncheye. This is where most Internet marketers list their upcoming product launches so that niche affiliates can find products that will work best for their subscribers and get details about it.
It will also allow you to look at the calendar and see what else will be launching on the same day that you plan to launch. Ideally, you will launch on a day where there is no similar product launching to your own.
Another thing you want to do is list your product launch in any affiliate or vendor groups that you belong to on sites like Facebook, where vendors share details of their upcoming launches so that they can potentially promote one another.
If you have a list of affiliates already (or just to remember this step in the future once you do), you will want to email these individuals to alert them to your upcoming launch so that they can prepare it on their schedule as well as with a bonus.
Giving your affiliates ample time to consider your launch is very important. Many will want to go through the product themselves to evaluate it for quality. Others have schedules that fill up very fast, so if you want a spot, you have to be early on their radar.
And if you have a contest, or even if you don’t, many affiliates will want to create a bonus that will help them capture the lion’s share of sales in the marketplace. Creating these bonuses often takes several weeks, so it helps to give them an early heads up.
There’s also the task of contacting certain affiliates individually. This is where networking comes in handy for you as a vendor. Ideally, you will be networking with other marketers from the time you decide to get involved in this business.
This friendly interaction can make it easier for you to approach a prospective affiliate via private message or email and present your launch details when you invite them to promote for you.
When you approach someone directly, you want to send them a summary of what your launch is about, a link to the joint venture page, review access so that they can see it for themselves, and any perks that you are offering to sweeten the deal.
If you find certain marketers who are almost guaranteed to send a flood of sales your way, you may want to offer them a slightly higher commission, a promotional spot on your download page, or a readymade bonus they can use in order to get them onboard.