Step #4 Set Up Your Pages
There are many different pages you’ll want to create for your upcoming product launch. Some people create these before they even create their product. They include the joint venture page, front end sales page, one time offer upgrade sales pages, and a possible download page.
Before your launch, you will want to create a joint venture (JV) page that your affiliates can refer to in order to prepare to promote your product launch. On this page, you will announce the date and time of your launch as well as the details about the product and any one time offer upgrades, too.
You should explain the funnel to your prospective affiliates, letting them know how the customer flows through each item in your funnel with upsells and downsells being shown.
Also on the JV page, you will have the link to the listing on whatever platform you are selling from, so that affiliates can follow it to grab their affiliate link to promote with. You may also want to have an opt in form on this page so that you can build a list of affiliates and contact them for your upcoming promotions in the future.
You want to spell out the commission that they will earn, which is commonly 50% across the board, if not more for the front end. Let your affiliates know if you have any kind of contest running for sales of your product.
If possible, provide your affiliates with a toolbox they can use to promote your product. This will include swipe emails as well as images and social posts to make it easy for them to announce your offer to their followers.
Once you have your joint venture page completed, you will want to create the sales pages for your front end product as well as any one time offer upgrades that you will be selling.
These will all be connected within the funnel that you set up on the platform you plan to sell from. Your sales pages should have headlines, a storyline, bulletpoints, product details, testimonials, a call to action, and your buy buttons.
You will get the buttons from the platform that you are listing your product on once you have your listings set up. Many people prefer to watch a video sales letter rather than to read one, so you might want to also include a video presentation of your sales copy at the top of your sales page.
Download pages are popular with many vendors online. Not everyone uses them, though. Some people simply upload a file of the product to the platform that they are selling from.
If you do create a download page, you will want to have simple instructions for your buyers to follow in order to download your product. You also have the opportunity to include promotional spots at the bottom of your download page for top affiliates that you want to bring onboard for your launch.