Purpose Can Be Broad and All-Encompassing
Finding your purpose can be something that has more than one perspective. Most people have a wrong idea when it comes to finding their purpose. They believe that they have to be specific and that the purpose is one thing that’s all-encompassing.
By believing this way, they’ll chase a purpose and end up boxing themselves in.
You don’t have to strip down to a single purpose. It can bloom and like a tree, having many different branches.
It’s better to have a purpose that offers you different possibilities to choose from. You might be someone who wants to help others deal with depression. Maybe you’ve encountered family or friends who struggled in this area and it ignited a passion within you that made you determined to make a difference in peoples’ lives.
If you box in yourself, then you might think that the only way you could help others dealing with the depression would be to become a psychiatrist or a therapist. But if you did that, then you’d leave behind so many other avenues that could play a role in your purpose.
Helping others in this area as well as in other areas could mean that you choose to become a life coach. Or, you choose to mentor people one on one and walk through their depression journey with them.
Let your purpose be broader than you imagine and your scope of purpose as well as your ability to help others will be magnified. For example, you might choose to become a therapist, but you could also combine that purpose with other areas, such as writing books on the topic that people could use as self-help resources.
This increases your reach and opens up your purpose in a bigger way. You could choose to create a membership where you help people deal with depression and share how they can not only live with the condition, but thrive with it.
Any purpose that you have in life, whether it’s general, business, personal or whatever should never be narrowed down, but instead added as a potential option to include in your journey of The Self.
You want to leave room for that purpose to grow. Your purpose could be broad in that you simply want to do something or be someone who makes a difference. You want to bring positive change to the world of others by using the talents that you have.
When you use a broad purpose to enrich the lives of others or just in general, you always end up rewarding your own life as well. When you allow your purpose to be broad, it expands the number of experiences that you’ll have.
You’ll live a life that’s full of more opportunities and growth than if you were to narrow your purpose down to one specific thing. If you’re someone who wants to build a business, but you’ve been feeling frustrated because you don’t know your purpose, it might be that you’re too focused on trying to identify a single path to take.
Or the opposite may be true and you may be struggling to find your purpose because the business path you’re on requires more than one branch and you feel overwhelmed by having so many options.
What you need to do, regardless of whether you’re searching for purpose in general or in business is to let yourself be open to exploring whatever avenue opens up to you. Don’t be afraid to take off in different directions, even at the same time.
For example, just because you start a membership course for your business doesn’t mean you can’t also do something like a joint venture or create a workshop or start an eBook empire.
Let your purpose be free to unfold – whether it’s on a large scale, as in helping other people or changing the world – or if it’s for a small circle of people or for you alone. By choosing to let your purpose be broader, you can live a life of passion without limits.