Start The New Year Off Right As An  Entrepreneur

Start The New Year Off Right As An Entrepreneur

Figure Out What Business Model You’ll Excel At

There’s only one business model where niches don’t matter – service providers. If you want to offer services, such as ghostwriting, graphics creation, customer service, virtual administrative assistance, etc., then it won’t matter about what niche your clients are in.

You’ll simply be providing a service that other marketers don’t have the time or talent to handle on their own. If you’re ghostwriting, you can charge by the page and write about a wide variety of niche topics.

If you’re creating graphics, you might be making sales copy graphics, ones for info product designs, or even fiction eCovers if that’s something you are talented in. There’s great money in this field, but you are limited by the hours you have available to exchange for money.

That means, you’ll eventually cap out on what you can earn. You may be able to raise rates steadily, but there’s a ceiling for what consumers and clients will pay for services. Plus, if you only have eight hours a day to work, that may hinder your unlimited income abilities, too.

Another wonderful business model you’ll want to consider is that of an affiliate marketer. As an affiliate, you don’t have to create products – you’ll simply be connecting consumers with the brands and products that will serve as the solutions they’re seeking.

Affiliates typically have a blog as their home on the ‘net. They review products, talk about potential solutions for problems, and can make money recommending both tangible and digital items to consumers.

If you have a knack for teaching people, then you can consider becoming a digital info product creator. You can make products that are in eBook format or video modules and help people learn the things they want to know.

For example, you might want to create a series of diet information products, or ones for survival prepping, stress relief, and more. You can always add affiliate marketing as an extension of this business model, recommending other products that you may not have a course for.

If you’re great at writing or creating videos, but don’t want to be a niche expert yourself, then you can still tap into those talents and sell your content as private label rights (PLR) for other marketers to use as their own.

This way, you’re not working as a service provider, but still helping others. Instead of charging more for ghostwritten content, you’ll charge less, but earn more because multiple people will be buying your content over time.

You do the work once and profit from it again and again. You can make a surge of quick money having a discount launch for a week or less when the content is ready – and then put the PLR on your store for people to buy at full-price down the road.

It’s possible that non-fiction isn’t even something that interests you. Did you know that many of the bestselling New York Times and USA Today authors are self-published? Many got their start self-publishing on Amazon Kindle and then expanded out to other platforms easily.

You can write your own fiction books, from short 10-minute stories to full-length novels and publish them for free on Amazon. You’ll earn either 30 or 70% of the sale, depending on how you price it, and you get paid monthly for the sales and page reads.

You can publish under a pen name, so no one will even know who you are if you don’t want them to. And you’ll have the ability to write in any genre(s) you want – crime thrillers, mysteries, romance, sci-fi and more.

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