Your Manifestations Are Near
As the time for your manifestations to come to pass draws closer, you’re going to start to notice changes or events will take place that are a precursor to setting everything up.
If it suddenly seems like everything in your life has gotten worse all at once, that’s a sign from the universe that you’re in the preparation stage.
These seemingly tough situations could be occurring because the universe is getting you ready to handle the good that’s about to happen. You may notice that you’re having daydreams about the life you want to manifest.
These daydreams can feel so real as if you’re in the middle of the life. This happens when the universe is lining up what you feel with what’s about to come to pass. It means the manifestation is on the brink.
Some people start to develop the sense of surrealness. They feel that the success is already part of their lives and they’re about to hit the goal. You might find yourself feeling extremely happy.
You have no reasonable explanation for the high spirits that you’re in. You can’t put your finger on anything that’s happened that makes you feel this way. That’s because your subconscious knows everything is about to break wide open for you and the dreams you want are just about to manifest.
The happiness that’s waiting for you is starting to trickle out as the universe prepares to release it. You can start to feel these things because the subconscious mind knows it long before the conscious mind does.
You might notice that things in your life are running smoothly. Every day is filled with positive things and only good things are happening to you. It’s like everything you’ve worked for is suddenly lining up.
Other people may even begin to make comments about how “lucky” you are. When that happens, just know that the law of attraction is coming to fulfillment in your life. At the same time that all these good things are happening, you may notice that other areas of your life are going through changes that you didn’t see coming.
You might find that a relationship you treasured has splintered apart but you discover that you don’t feel bad about it. You don’t feel sad or grieve the loss of that relationship. The reason is the law of attraction works to bring in what’s good and positive while at the same time, the energy from it releases what’s bad and negative.
You may discover as you’re manifesting the life you want that your vision goes through changes. You no longer want something or you want something so different that you never even saw that coming.
That’s okay. You can manifest something new or more of something once you let go of what you thought you wanted and give it over to the universe. Be open to flexibility and change because your standards and desires will grow or morph over time.
With the law of attraction, it’s important that you do several things consistently. First, understand that negative self-talk will prevent you from allowing good things into your life, so erase it from your vocabulary.
Second, Be clear with your goals and revisit them on a regular basis so that your focus remains intact and you don’t sweep the goals to the side and start living on autopilot again.
And last, you need to be living life as if what you want to have happen has already occurred. Be the person who can earn a six figure salary. Be the happy person in a fulfilling relationship. Be the person who eats healthy – don’t wait until the universe delivers it because it may be waiting to see if you really believe in yourself.