Don’t Focus on What Is Wrong
The law of attraction is something that can change your life. It has the power that can basically put things in motion for you. You want to surround yourself with positive life changing energy.
But sometimes, people expect the law of attraction to be as simple as speaking something and it comes to pass. It doesn’t happen that way, so then some people start to look at what went wrong, what they feel they did wrong and they start laying blame – which has a negative basis.
So if you’re focused on negative things and you’ve set yourself up with self-sabotaging behavior, then something could go wrong. When that happens, many people start to blame themselves, this creates the wrong belief for the subconscious mind and that can easily turn into a “fact.”
They might begin with thinking thoughts like, “I’m such an idiot” and the problem with that is the blame has a negative energy that the mind picks up on and then the person’s actions follow suit.
You don’t want that. So instead of engaging in the negative blame game or putting attention on what went wrong, what you want to do is to accept that something went wrong, that there’s no blame to be had and begin again.
For example, you might be someone who spent several years stuck in a job that you hated. You didn’t earn nearly what your skills were worth. Your coworkers were lazy, and your boss was a jerk.
Yet you stayed and you might be beating yourself up and thinking that if you would have had more skills or education, you would have had a better job. But that’s a negative way of looking at it.
Maybe that awful job was one that paid the bills so you could help out your family. The key to law of attraction is not spending time dwelling on what went wrong in the past or what doesn’t go right at that moment.
You always want to redirect the focus to what’s positive and what you can manifest.
Change a negative to harness the positive energy by taking the lesson from that situation and leaving the bad behind.
For example, in that awful job, you probably learned perseverance. You learned patience and how to get along with unlikeable people. Think about how what you learned from your experience can help you in the future, not how it hurt you in the past or in the moment.
One thing you need to realize when something has been wrong or does go wrong is that in the moment that situation occurs, you don’t have the correct perspective. You only gain this type of perspective after a situation has passed.