Putting The Law of Attraction Into Practice
The law of attraction is energy that will work to bring what you really want, but that doesn’t mean that you can sit idly by and everything falls into your lap – because there are ways that you can sabotage the law of attraction.
You have to know how to make it work. What you believe can be an issue. When you believe something, the subconscious accepts this as truth – whether it’s an actual fact or not.
These beliefs can limit the power of the law of attraction in your life. For example, you may have the belief, “Weight loss is too hard for me. I’ll never be able to lose weight.” With that belief, you’ve written out a “fact” that your subconscious mind picks up as the truth and then begins to live out.
You have to understand what it is you’re believing that prevents you from being able to accurately harness the power of law of attraction. These beliefs are self-sabotaging, so you need to get rid of them.
Understand that you are who you say you are. If you say to yourself that you’re lazy, then you’ll act that way. If you say to yourself that it’s no use trying to achieve something, then your behavior will live that out and your life trajectory won’t change.
You have to break up with the negative self-talk in order to bring about the positive changes of the law of attraction. If you don’t have faith in yourself, you’ll struggle to manifest whatever it is you want.
Too many people struggle to put the law of attraction into practice because they keep looking back. They turn their energy toward the hard things in life – toward the dreams that didn’t come true – toward the relationships that ended badly and toward all the ways they feel they fell short in living up to this point.
But you cannot keep your focus on the negative. You must focus on the positive and on what is yet to be. Turn your attention to what’s coming for you – toward what you want to achieve, what you want to come to pass.
Positive focus and energy attract positive things. Make your mental, social and work environment one where the law of attraction can flourish. If you want to focus on what’s positive and achieve your vision, then there may be some things that you have to alter or get rid of.
If you want to be successful, you need to make sure that who you’re spending time with manifests success as well. Hanging out with those who focus on negativity or who accept and even wallow in failure creates a contagion effect.
You have to shake that off. Make sure the people you’re spending time with are focused on success. These should be people who help you to strive for more. Cut out the negative things in your life.
Anything that makes you miserable or traps you in a cycle of negativity needs to go.
Bring positive people into your life who are also looking to use law of attraction to manifest their life goals. It’s easier to stay focused and positive when you’re around others who are the same.