Make Your Vision Clear
You want to have a specific vision. Just like the actor who wrote himself a 10 million dollar check, you need to know exactly what it is that you want. Because your vision board works based on the law of attraction, knowing what you truly want is part of the process so that you attract those specific things.
Some people think that they’re pretty clear about their vision, but deep down, they don’t really know what it is they want. They might feel one way, but actually want something different.
They may be afraid that it’s too big, too important and too unachievable to put it out there in the universe. The law of attraction won’t bring what you want if you don’t put it out there.
If you’re still trying to figure out what it is that you want, take a few minutes to think about your life. Think about what you would have or do if nothing was in the way to hold you back.
Then write down what that thing or those things are. These things relate to the life you want to have, so even if you think that it would take a lot of big changes and you don’t have the money, skills, or whatever, write it down anyway.
If there’s something that you truly want, you can manifest that. Your list doesn’t have to be perfect, and you can even change your mind later. Right now, all you’re doing is trying to get clear and specific on what it is that you do want.
Some people are afraid to say what it is they truly want because it seems impossible, or they’re embarrassed – but write it down anyway. Then take the list of things that you came up with for what you truly want in life and look it over.
You’ll find that some things that you wrote down jump out at you or pull at you stronger than the other things you listed. Your vision needs to be clear in whatever area of your life you want to manifest, but it’s okay to have several different parts of your life that you want to use the law of attraction for.
For example, some people choose career and relationships. Others have money and weight loss. Some have all of the above. Once you’re clear on the vision you want for a specific part or several parts of your life, then you want to look at why these visions are important to you.
For example, you might have a vision for having more money – but if you look at why that’s important to you, you might realize that it’s because you want the money so that you can leave your job and move closer to your grandchildren.
When you know the reason behind what you want to manifest, it helps you to hone in on that and block out the things that you don’t want. After you’ve created your vision board, you want to make sure that you observe it often. This helps your subconscious mind to keep visualizing what you want.