Share Your Expertise on Udemy Video Course
Ready to Educate Others with Your Knowledge & Expertise?
Learn how to set up a Udemy course for increased business activity & visibility. This video course package includes the main course (over-the-shoulder teaching style), an afterclass masterclass (lecture teaching style) with downloadable mp3 for on-the-go-learning, plus the 1st edition of this course.
Topics covered in the main course include:
- Account Set-up
- Payment Options
- Course Set-up
- Lesson Set-up
- Course Materials
- Course Assessments
- Engaging Students
- Promotional Tools
- Information Formats
Topics covered in Live Afterclass Masterclass “Getting Students To Love Your Courses” include:
- Your Role As A Udemy Instructor
- Become A Master Practitioner
- Goals & Guidelines to Integrating Udemy Into Your Business
- Udemy & Direct Response
- Educational Marketing
- Tell Your Students How To Consume Your Course
- Surprise Your Students
- Overloading Your Students
- Stay In Contact
- The Adult Learning Theory