Pay Attention to Niche Media Trends to Tap Into
The media – in the form of television, magazines, websites and other places, will give you great insight into what people are looking for, so use that to your advantage. Start with looking up the niche-specific sections of news sites.
FoxNews.com and CNN.com have sections for health, for example. While Fox has sections for mental health, cancer, and heart health (to name a few), you’ll find things like mindfulness, fitness, and sleep on CNN.
Jot them all down and see what’s trending. When you dig into the section on fitness on CNN, for example, you see plenty of articles about deep breathing, and it’s also in the sleep section, too.
This tidbit may tell you that deep breathing is a hot topic, but is it enough to build an entire, lucrative site about? People often want some hacks on breathing better, and there are a handful of products they may buy to improve their breathing – but you may want to broaden your health topic a bit more to sustain a site long-term.
Go to Google and type in a magazine name and look a the images to see what topics are trending on the covers. You could type in Woman’s World Magazine and see that recently, things like brain health, keto dieting, joint pain, and energy are all popular.
So you may have considered starting a diet site and then narrow it down to keto diets in particular. Scan the covers and you’ll see wording like shortcut keto and quickie keto, telling you people want fast keto diet plans, so you could focus on that as your slant.
This is something you can check daily for a week, or look back at past covers, previous news stories and more to pinpoint trends that ebb and flow within a niche. Make sure you aren’t targeting something that’s simply seasonal.
You want an evergreen topic that will stay viable all throughout the year. It’s okay if it has spikes. For example, dieting is a good topic year round. But it has spikes around New Year’s Day when people make their resolutions to shed pounds and improve their fitness.
Evaluate the Profit Potential and Consider Building a Parent Site
As you get your results from your keyword research (which may be rather large), take note of buyer keywords, such as people searching for products they want to spend money on.
This might be something where you see a phrase like best gardening apron or where to buy a gardening bench. You want to keep track of all of these for later use whenever you create review blog posts.
Look at your results and see if people are looking for information they may buy in the form of a book or course on ClickBank or Amazon – as well as tangible products. If you can narrow down your niche where it includes both, you may have hit the sweet spot.
For example, with container gardening, that audience needs tips and information, so they do buy books – but they also need to buy things like grow bags, trowels, a watering can, and so on.
One thing you want to do as you hone in on your narrow, drilled down niche, is keep in mind that eventually, someday, you may want to expand your reach. When you begin blogging, you could see an uptick in demand for broader information from your readers.
So if you’re covering a topic like survival food on your narrow niche blog, and people keep asking about water storage, gardening, self defense and solar information, it may be time to broaden your reach.
To do this, you don’t have to abandon your site. You can build a network of mini sites that all connect to a broader one. You could have one for food, one for water, one for solar power, and so on.
But then all of them could link back to a parent site where you discuss survival tips as a whole. They can also reference (link back) to each other. If you write a post about food storage and you mention that water storage is more important for survival, you can include a hyperlink back to that other site.
The audience stays within your network of sites, and all of them have a chance to compete in the search engine results pages. The drawback to this kind of expansion is that it requires a substantial amount of content. Only expand to what you feel like you can handle. If you need to reinvest some of your earnings for ghostwriting or private label rights content for your sites, you can do that as well.