Short-Term Thinking Helps Business-Related Decision Making
What most entrepreneurs practice is the art of long-term thinking. They make goals that are weeks, months, and even years into the future. They have business plans, financial plans, and plenty of ideas about what’s going to happen when their plans become reality.
But this long-term thinking can cause a shortsightedness that causes them to miss great opportunities that they could currently grab. Here’s why that happens.
What many business men and women do is they set up their long-term goals. They polish up a business plan, they get their finances completely in order and then they open up for business.
Yet, the Internet is filled with businesses that are extremely successful that didn’t follow that kind of long-term thinking. Instead, these businesses latched onto success thanks to short-term thinking.
Instead of waiting until everything was lined up just right, until their long-term goals were reached, they closed their eyes and jumped. By jumping, they found their way to where they wanted to be.
This is the kind of mindset that can help you build anything you want in life. When a business is built around long-term plans, the short-term can often sustain those plans, such as someone who’s building a real estate empire and discovers home values plummeted.
Short-term thinking allows you to go with the flow of changes like these and find the needle in the haystack, the good that comes out of things that go wrong, disrupted plans. Short-term thinking makes a way, while long-term thinking is often waiting for a door to open.
Rather than looking at the big picture, concentrate on short-term steps that give you the future that you want. For example, instead of planning to build a huge collection of websites for products “someday,” start right now and build one.
Think about what you can do in the short-term towards meeting your long-term goals. Don’t worry about where your business will be down the road. Just make it what it needs to be today and it will be what it’s supposed to be in the future.
Instead of looking at all that you don’t have to start up your future business – such as capital – look at what you do have – the intelligence to run a business on a budget until you can afford to do more. It’s often the smallest investments that turn into the biggest money making ventures.
Take a look at your current way of planning your life goals. Make sure that you have a healthy mix of long-term plans and short-term activities that can help you achieve them. Don’t be afraid to embrace changes if you want something different.