The Viral Abilities of Each Platform
One of the important aspects of Digital Marketing is the ability to have your message shared far and wide. On social media platforms, you’re not just showing value to one person but often to their followers as well.
Emails can easily be shared with a click of a button (forwarding). But most email users don’t automatically think to do this. Plus, you have to consider, do they have the email addresses of hundreds of people to share your message with? Probably not, making email not the best way for them to share your message. The reader would have to copy the email text and post on their profile.
The possibility of that happening is slim because of the inconvenience and time it takes to do. Email is far more limited with its viral abilities. Social media platforms all have different ways to boost your exposure to your niche audience.
For example, Facebook has its popular share button conveniently next to the option to comment or like a post. You have to make sure that it’s enabled. If you have your post marked private, then other people will not be able to share it publicly.
You do have the option to set each post that you share for public or private consumption. So if there’s something you’d rather not have go viral, you can keep that more private to just your followers.
YouTube has the option of sharing videos to social media sites or in emails, but it also gives you the ability to allow others to embed your video into their blog or elsewhere. As long as you are branding your own domain and name within the video itself, you will still be able to reach the audience and the person sharing your message will not be able to claim it as their own.
If you’re using Pinterest in your niche, you’ll be happy to know that others can help your pins go viral by sharing it to their own boards. Each person’s board has its own set of followers, and those followers can then share your pin to others as well. Plus Pinterest has the added benefit of allowing affiliate links, usually without restriction.
Even Instagram has a process called regramming. It’s not built into the site itself, but there are ways people can take an Instagram picture from one person’s account and post it to their own.
Usually, people need to ask permission before doing this. But you can allow all of your messages to be regrammed as long as they give you the proper credit using your profile name so that people can go back to the original source.
Using both Email Marketing and Social Marketing will be a boon to your business online. You will be able to better brand yourself, connect with your customers, and share valuable insight and information with them on a regular basis.
Don’t worry about copying exactly what other marketers have done in the past with emails and social sites. Use the tools and platforms you are most comfortable with and that have the best exposure for you as a leader.