How Relationships Are Built
Part of your ability to convert communications into commissions and sales is dependent on the type of relationship you have built with your followers and subscribers. The way you build a rapport with the people who are looking to you for guidance differs on both types of platforms.
In fact, within the Social Marketing world, each of those platforms also has a different way for you to build relationships with your fans and followers. Even the media format used can work for or against you – such as faceless text versus an image or video.
The reason this is so important is that, in the world of Digital Marketing, you are a stranger – a faceless entity trying to gain the trust of someone and get them to spend money with you.
That’s not even an easy feat when you are in person in the offline world. But add to the fact that scammers are prevalent on the Internet, you have many obstacles working against you.
Therefore, you need to work on building a connection with these people in your emails as well as on every social post that you create. Starting with Email Marketing, your relationships will be built on the frequency and value of what you provide to your subscribers.
Because this is more of a private interaction, it has the potential to be more personable. At the same time, you are sending this email directly to their inbox, so the level of value must be higher for them to feel it is worthy of their attention.
The bar for value of a message can be set a tad bit lower on social media platforms. This is mainly because the user understands that they are free to quickly scroll past and ignore anything that is not relevant to them.
Somethings you share in your groups or on your profile may pique their interest, while others don’t. However, an email sent directly to them is expected to target their needs in particular.
Many people are very protective of their email inbox, and if you aren’t meeting their needs, they will unsubscribe from your list and cause you to lose contact with them for good.
Alternatively, they aren’t as likely to leave a group on a social media platform if they happen to see a couple of messages that aren’t targeted specifically to their needs within the niche.
Frequency is another issue in building a relationship with others whom you are trying to lead. When a marketer goes weeks or months without communicating with their followers, it’s hard for anyone to feel a connection to them.
Depending on your niche and the people who are in it, you may be able to contact them daily on both platform types, or you may need to do it a bit less frequently. Some followers won’t mind seeing a daily post in a group or on your profile, and can even accept multiple posts within one day.
But when it comes to their email inbox, they view it as a chore in some cases to have to open and analyze your message. Therefore, you may want to offer a weekly digest summary that helps people clean up their inbox, yet still receive all of the communications from you that were sent out to your daily followers.