When you become an Entrepreneur running your own business online, you are solely responsible for every position within your company. From administrative tasks to financial ones, marketing, branding and everything else – you have to wear many hats and learn how to excel at each one.
One thing that will make it easier on you as an Online Entrepreneur is to create routines and systems that help you fly through your daily tasks much faster. Time is your best asset as an Entrepreneur.
The more time you free up, the more you’re able to get done and the more you’re able to enjoy the success that you have earned. Having a daily routine and systems to rely on prevents tasks from being dragged out as you stop to get things in order or learn how to best accomplish something.
Prepping Your Schedule and Daily To Do List
The first thing you want to do is develop the routine of preparing for each day. Flying by the seat of your pants and randomly choosing which tasks to work on is not an effective way to conduct business.
You should have a list that has been prioritized according to what needs to be achieved each day in order for your business to be profitable. You can be as broad or detailed as you want, as long as the list you create helps guide you in what to do next.
Figure out a time that works best for you to create a daily to do list for your schedule. Some people like to have this completed before they go to bed each night. It gives them peace of mind and helps them sleep well knowing they can hit the ground running the very next morning.
Others prefer to wake up, pour themselves a cup of coffee, and see what the day has in store for them before they get started. Both ways are effective, but if you think you have a tendency to forget something, you may want to do both.
Start by making your to do list for the next day each night. Then, revisit it in the morning and make sure nothing important was left off. If you want to approach it in a broad manner, then you might simply use keywords such as emails.
This might be all you need to remind you to go to your inbox and sort through the various communications that have come in and also send out your daily email to your subscribers.
If you want to consider those two different tasks, then you might detail it a little more and write reply to inbox emails and send out daily newsletter. this gives you two completely different tasks to schedule during your day and mark off once completed.