You may have the best idea, product or service in the world, but if the world does not know about your brand; sad to say, but your business will not fly.
Finding traffic, marketing your product or creating awareness is an essential part of running any type of business and sometimes can be a very costly affair. But, when it comes to creating a buzz for your business, meaning marketing by mouth, it is done for free and it is highly effective.
So, how do you get people to open their mouths and start bragging about your business?
Tip #1 – Start by creating a simple, eye-catching design for your product. This is the first thing people will see when trying to learn more about your product, so it’s important that they’re drawn in at this stage.
This doesn’t mean you have to create something completely original; if it piques people’s curiosity enough to look into your product further then you know that the design has done its job.
Likewise, your label or packaging should be simple and easy to understand. Thanks to our highly visual culture, customers are likely to form their opinions of new products based on what it looks like before even opening up its contents.
If you can make multiple variations of your brand logo (such as a simple version, a cartoon version and a 3D version) then do so. It helps to give your brand greater visibility in the marketplace.
Tip #2 – Your name is important too. You can choose to use a company or product name that’s easy to remember, catchy or even comical if you know your business is going to be creating something out of the ordinary.
One example of this is “Let’s Ketchup” which was created by French fries restaurant chain Burger King. In this way, it makes them stand out from competitors such as McDonalds and Wendy’s who have been in the fast food industry for decades longer than they have been around.
Another interesting fact about creating a buzz for your business is creating a strong, powerful logo. The first thing everyone will see when trying to learn more about your company is the brand logo, so it’s important that they are drawn in at that level too.
Tip #3 – Another way to create a buzz for your product is creating an environment where people are willing to talk about it.
One of the most effective ways to do this is creating a website that’s extremely easy to use, especially when you want customers to leave feedback or reviews. You can even go further by creating social media accounts which also encourages user generated content, bringing word-to-mouth marketing at its finest.
Your product should be simple and reliable enough so users have no problem leaving feedback about their experiences after using it. If they feel safe creating their own personal opinion of your product then they will share it with other people in order to help them make up their mind about buying it themselves.
Conversations between regular people are the best way to create a buzz for your brand.Rather than creating awareness about your company by creating traditional advertisements, start creating conversations among people who are interested in your products.
Many different sites now allow you to create communities of people who have similar interests or opinions of certain brands, including Twitter and Facebook where users can chat with each other over instant messaging services like WhatsApp & Telegram. Sites like Reddit also work like forums where anyone can say their piece on anything they feel passionate about; it’s highly likely that someone will find these conversations interesting enough to share them with their friends.
Whenever creating marketing campaigns, make sure there is at least some element of interaction between yourself and the customer who uses it because this is one of the most effective ways of creating a buzz for your business.
Tip #4 – Also, an effective way creating a buzz for your business is creating an undercover, undercover marketing campaign. This works by creating an environment where you essentially promote your product to anyone who’s interested in buying it but they have to do some sort of research before they find out the name and the price of the product.
You can do this by creating mysterious online puzzles that give clues leading to something that isn’t revealed until after each clue has been solved or creating free samples that encourage users to share them with their friends once they want more information on what kind of product it actually is.
These last two sound very similar to viral marketing campaigns which are also another great method because, much like word-of-mouth marketing, creating conversations between regular individuals is a more effective way to create a buzz than creating advertisements.
It’s important to remember that creating conversations between individuals is the most effective way of creating a buzz for your business; if you can convince people to create this dialogue themselves, it will be much easier to create awareness around your brand.
Lots of great tips here!
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